十年网站开发经验 + 多家企业客户 + 靠谱的建站团队
量身定制 + 运营维护+专业推广+无忧售后,网站问题一站解决
检测给定图片(Image)中的所有人脸(Face)的位置和相应的面部属性。位置包括(x, y, w, h),面部属性包括性别(gender), 年龄(age), 表情(expression), 魅力(beauty), 眼镜(glass)和姿态(pitch,roll,yaw)。
app_id 应用标识,我们在AI平台注册后就可以得到app_id
time_stamp 时间戳
nonce_str 随机字符串
sign 签名信息,需要我们自己去计算
image 需要检测的图片(上限1M)
mode 检测模式
请求接口信息,我们用 requests 发送请求,会得到返回的 json 格式的图像信息pip install requests
处理返回的信息,把信息展示在图片上,再把处理后的图片保存。这里我们用到 opencv ,和 pillow 两个库pip install pillow
和pip install opencv-python
开始编写代码,我们新建一个face_id.py 文件来对接AI平台,并且返回检测后的图像数据。
import time import random import base64 import hashlib import requests from urllib.parse import urlencode import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import os # 一.计算接口鉴权,构造请求参数 def random_str(): '''得到随机字符串nonce_str''' str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' r = '' for i in range(15): index = random.randint(0,25) r += str[index] return r def image(name): with open(name, 'rb') as f: content = f.read() return base64.b64encode(content) def get_params(img): '''组织接口请求的参数形式,并且计算sign接口鉴权信息, 最终返回接口请求所需要的参数字典''' params = { 'app_id': '1106860829', 'time_stamp': str(int(time.time())), 'nonce_str': random_str(), 'image': img, 'mode': '0' } sort_dict = sorted(params.items(), key=lambda item: item[0], reverse=False) # 排序 sort_dict.append(('app_key', 'P8Gt8nxi6k8vLKbS')) # 添加app_key rawtext = urlencode(sort_dict).encode() # URL编码 sha = hashlib.md5() sha.update(rawtext) md5text = sha.hexdigest().upper() # 计算出sign,接口鉴权 params['sign'] = md5text # 添加到请求参数列表中 return params # 二.请求接口URL def access_api(img): frame = cv2.imread(img) nparry_encode = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)[1] data_encode = np.array(nparry_encode) img_encode = base64.b64encode(data_encode) # 图片转为base64编码格式 url = 'https://api.ai.qq.com/fcgi-bin/face/face_detectface' res = requests.post(url, get_params(img_encode)).json() # 请求URL,得到json信息 # 把信息显示到图片上 if res['ret'] == 0: # 0代表请求成功 pil_img = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # 把opencv格式转换为PIL格式,方便写汉字 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img) for obj in res['data']['face_list']: img_width = res['data']['image_width'] # 图像宽度 img_height = res['data']['image_height'] # 图像高度 # print(obj) x = obj['x'] # 人脸框左上角x坐标 y = obj['y'] # 人脸框左上角y坐标 w = obj['width'] # 人脸框宽度 h = obj['height'] # 人脸框高度 # 根据返回的值,自定义一下显示的文字内容 if obj['glass'] == 1: # 眼镜 glass = '有' else: glass = '无' if obj['gender'] >= 70: # 性别值从0-100表示从女性到男性 gender = '男' elif 50 <= obj['gender'] < 70: gender = "娘" elif obj['gender'] < 30: gender = '女' else: gender = '女汉子' if 90 < obj['expression'] <= 100: # 表情从0-100,表示笑的程度 expression = '一笑倾城' elif 80 < obj['expression'] <= 90: expression = '心花怒放' elif 70 < obj['expression'] <= 80: expression = '兴高采烈' elif 60 < obj['expression'] <= 70: expression = '眉开眼笑' elif 50 < obj['expression'] <= 60: expression = '喜上眉梢' elif 40 < obj['expression'] <= 50: expression = '喜气洋洋' elif 30 < obj['expression'] <= 40: expression = '笑逐颜开' elif 20 < obj['expression'] <= 30: expression = '似笑非笑' elif 10 < obj['expression'] <= 20: expression = '半嗔半喜' elif 0 <= obj['expression'] <= 10: expression = '黯然伤神' delt = h // 5 # 确定文字垂直距离 # 写入图片 if len(res['data']['face_list']) > 1: # 检测到多个人脸,就把信息写入人脸框内 font = ImageFont.truetype('yahei.ttf', w // 8, encoding='utf-8') # 提前把字体文件下载好 draw.text((x + 10, y + 10), '性别 :' + gender, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 1), '年龄 :' + str(obj['age']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 2), '表情 :' + expression, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 3), '魅力 :' + str(obj['beauty']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 4), '眼镜 :' + glass, (76, 176, 80), font=font) elif img_width - x - w < 170: # 避免图片太窄,导致文字显示不完全 font = ImageFont.truetype('yahei.ttf', w // 8, encoding='utf-8') draw.text((x + 10, y + 10), '性别 :' + gender, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 1), '年龄 :' + str(obj['age']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 2), '表情 :' + expression, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 3), '魅力 :' + str(obj['beauty']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 4), '眼镜 :' + glass, (76, 176, 80), font=font) else: font = ImageFont.truetype('yahei.ttf', 20, encoding='utf-8') draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10), '性别 :' + gender, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10 + delt * 1), '年龄 :' + str(obj['age']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10 + delt * 2), '表情 :' + expression, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10 + delt * 3), '魅力 :' + str(obj['beauty']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10 + delt * 4), '眼镜 :' + glass, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.rectangle((x, y, x + w, y + h), outline="#4CB050") # 画出人脸方框 cv2img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pil_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # 把 pil 格式转换为 cv cv2.imwrite('faces/{}'.format(os.path.basename(img)), cv2img) # 保存图片到 face 文件夹下 return '检测成功' else: return '检测失败'
当接收到用户图片后,我们要先把图片保存起来,之后才能去调用人脸分析接口,把图片信息传递过去,我们需要编写一个 img_download 函数来下载图片。详见下方代码
图片下载后,调用 face_id.py 文件里的接口函数,得到处理后的图片。
检测结果是一张新的图片,要把图片发送给用户我们需要一个 Media_ID,要获取Media_ID必须先把图片上传为临时素材,所以这里我们需要一个img_upload函数来上传图片,并且在上传时需要用到一个access_token,我们通过一个函数来获取. 获取access_token必须要把我们自己的IP地址加入白名单,否则是获取不到的。请登录“微信公众平台-开发-基本配置”提前将服务器IP地址添加到IP白名单中,可以在http://ip.qq.com/查看本机的IP...
开始编写代码,我们新建一个 utils.py 来下载、上传图片
import requests import json import threading import time import os token = '' app_id = 'wxfc6adcdd7593a712' secret = '429d85da0244792be19e0deb29615128' def img_download(url, name): r = requests.get(url) with open('images/{}-{}.jpg'.format(name, time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d%H_%M_%S", time.localtime())), 'wb') as fd: fd.write(r.content) if os.path.getsize(fd.name) >= 1048576: return 'large' # print('namename', os.path.basename(fd.name)) return os.path.basename(fd.name) def get_access_token(appid, secret): '''获取access_token,100分钟刷新一次''' url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid={}&secret={}'.format(appid, secret) r = requests.get(url) parse_json = json.loads(r.text) global token token = parse_json['access_token'] global timer timer = threading.Timer(6000, get_access_token) timer.start() def img_upload(mediaType, name): global token url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/media/upload?access_token=%s&type=%s" % (token, mediaType) files = {'media': open('{}'.format(name), 'rb')} r = requests.post(url, files=files) parse_json = json.loads(r.text) return parse_json['media_id'] get_access_token(app_id, secret)
import falcon from falcon import uri from wechatpy.utils import check_signature from wechatpy.exceptions import InvalidSignatureException from wechatpy import parse_message from wechatpy.replies import TextReply, ImageReply from utils import img_download, img_upload from face_id import access_api class Connect(object): def on_get(self, req, resp): query_string = req.query_string query_list = query_string.split('&') b = {} for i in query_list: b[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1] try: check_signature(token='lengxiao', signature=b['signature'], timestamp=b['timestamp'], nonce=b['nonce']) resp.body = (b['echostr']) except InvalidSignatureException: pass resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 def on_post(self, req, resp): xml = req.stream.read() msg = parse_message(xml) if msg.type == 'text': reply = TextReply(content=msg.content, message=msg) xml = reply.render() resp.body = (xml) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 elif msg.type == 'image': name = img_download(msg.image, msg.source) # 下载图片 r = access_api('images/' + name) if r == '检测成功': media_id = img_upload('image', 'faces/' + name) # 上传图片,得到 media_id reply = ImageReply(media_id=media_id, message=msg) else: reply = TextReply(content='人脸检测失败,请上传1M以下人脸清晰的照片', message=msg) xml = reply.render() resp.body = (xml) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 app = falcon.API() connect = Connect() app.add_route('/connect', connect)