十年网站开发经验 + 多家企业客户 + 靠谱的建站团队
量身定制 + 运营维护+专业推广+无忧售后,网站问题一站解决
#!/usr/bin/env python
#!-- coding:utf-8 --
My_salary = input("Input your salary:")
if My_salary.isdigit():
My_salary = int(My_salary)
exit("Invaild data type...")
welcome_msg = 'Welcome to Eric Shopping mall'.center(50,'-')
exit_flag = False
product_list = [
("Mac Air",8000),
("Mac Pro",9000),
("XiaoMi 2",19.9),
shop_car = []
while exit_flag is not True:
#for product_item in product_list:
#p_name,p_price = product_item
print("product list".center(50,'-'))
for item in enumerate(product_list): #将列表中的下标进行返回。枚举函数
index = item[0]
p_name = item[1][0]
p_price = item[1][1]
print (index,'.',p_name,p_price)
user_choice = input("[q = quit,c=check] What do you want to Buy?:")
if user_choice.isdigit(): #肯定是要选择商品。 user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice < len(product_list): p_item = product_list[user_choice] if p_item[1] <= My_salary: shop_car.append(p_item) #放入购物车 My_salary -=p_item[1] #减钱 print("Added [%s] into shop car,your current balance is \033[31;1m[%s]\033[0m" %(p_item,My_salary)) else: print("Your balance is [%s],cannot afford this..." %[My_salary]) else: if user_choice == 'q' or user_choice == 'quit': print("purchased products as below".center(40,'*')) for item in shop_car: print(item) print("END".center(40,'*')) print('Your balance is [%s]' %My_salary) exit_flag = True if user_choice == 'c' or user_choice == 'check': print("purchased products as below".center(40,'*')) for item in shop_car: print(item) print("END".center(40,'*')) print('Your balance is [%s]' %My_salary)